Spring Equinox Retreat Roundup
Wow, what can I say, what a truly special and memorable weekend we had for our Spring Equinox Cleanse & Reset Retreat at The Dell of Abernethy. The change of the seasons is the optimum time to cleanse according to Ayurveda. Spring is a particularly powerful time as the body is desperate to rid itself of all the accumulated & aggravated doshas which have been building throughout the Autumn & Winter. If you have noticed yourself coming down with a sniffle or mucous build up these past few weeks, it’s the doshas starting to spill over and seek an out. Late Winter & Spring are dominated by Kapha dosha, the qualities of which are cool, sticky, soft, stable, slow, dense, gross, hard, slimy. These qualities will naturally begin to rise in our bodies and minds at this time of year unless we keep them in check - think runny, wet hay fever as Spring takes hold. So this is the optimum time to have a cleanse & re set the system so you can cope better with this natural increase in these kapha qualities. With this is mind, our weekend was full of nourishing, yet light and cleansing foods. We learned about foods to eat to pacify our doshas and daily and seasonal rituals to help keep us in optimum health. There was morning yoga and evening meditation followed by a healing crystal sound bath. People ate, laughed, cried, slept, drew, walked and watched the snow fall outside. We were blessed with an essential oil circle by the wonderful Clare Wilds who helped us all walk our personal labyrinths in our minds eye. It was truly a retreat from daily life and everyone left with a little bit of something they didn’t arrive with and left leaving behind lots of the things which no longer served them. I’ll be holding one last retreat for 2019. We’ll be back at The Dell of Abernethy. Please keep an eye on my events page for confirmed dates.