Detox Health Beauty Festival 2019 Roundup

Wow, what another incredible Festival day we had at Archerfield Walled Garden last weekend! The sun shone all day and over 500 people spent a day enjoying all the wonderful things on offer. The Sacred Space tent was bustling all day with lovely souls interested in learning more about Ayurveda and how we can use this ancient wisdom to live in alignment with our unique constitutions. We talked about daily and seasonal lifestyle rituals and also looked at how Ayurveda uses food as it’s number one health tool. Nestled in between the sound bath tents and the Essential Path’s Labyrinth in the Retreat Zone felt perfect to me. I was truly honoured to have the incredible Tara Lee attend my last talk of the day. Tara was my first introduction to yoga when I was pregnant with my first baby and her DVDs literally transformed my pregnancies and births. Roll on Detox Health Beauty Festival 2020. I already have some ideas brewing…….

Mairead Moodie