Solstices have been known for centuries as the energetic pinnacles of the year. As the Earth reaches its solar maximum in the Northern hemisphere and its solar minimum in the Southern hemisphere, an opportunity to make a great shift in your life and consciousness becomes magnetically available.
This year Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere occurs on Weds, 21st June at 3.57pm. The days leading up to Summer Solstice and just after are also potent times for our practice.
Solstices are incredibly powerful times of the year, energetically speaking. Summer solstice is the longest day of the year and is when there is the most light, sun energy, available to us for use. From an astrological perspective the sun (also known as a luminary and a star) is that vital life force energy that gives us the strength and the will to succeed and achieve our dreams, our destiny, our life purpose. It represents the Self, your personality, your ego, and what makes you unique. It’s your identity and how you face the world. That’s why most people look at their sun sign horoscopes. It’s a very powerful, burning and forceful energy in your chart and therefore has a lot of influence in how you interact with this world.
The Summer Solstice is a doorway into the second half of the year. It is a fiery, fertile, exuberant, passionate time, when the earth’s loveliness just seems to go on and on. Energy wise the Summer Solstice is like the full moon; it is pregnant with possibility.
At the Solstice the sun appears to stand still before it changes direction. We too stand still, pause, and take time to reflect. We have reached the top of a mountain and stop now to take in the view. We look back over the journey we have taken since the Winter Solstice and look ahead to the path that lead us into the darker half of the year.
Join me for an extended session where we will work more deeply with the Solstice energy to bring both freedom and flexibility into our lives with mantra, kundalini yoga, meditation & sound. Through Kundalini Kriya (sequence of postures) we consciously direct prana, shifting blocks in our energy bodies, opening up to innate healing – mentally, emotionally and physically, rooting us in abundant joy and health. We can elevate our vibration, clear out some of the junk we carry around, and lay a new foundation for the months ahead.
Join me on this auspicious day for a super charged 3 hour session to include Kundalini Yoga, Meditation, Mantra & relaxation. We will experience two kriyas & two powerful meditations, with a short and long relaxation. Tea & water available throughout. £35pp
If you haven’t experienced Kundalini Yoga before, please read my blog post HERE before booking. A moderate level of fitness is helpful as is the ability to sit on the floor for an extended period of time.