“Like every great river & every great sea, the moon belongs to none & belongs to all” E.B White
Short & sweet, online classes to align with the cycles of the Moon & set you up to harness these energetically powerful days. Using Kundalini Yoga, Meditation & deep relaxation to enhance the relationship between the moon, our higher consciousness and our own biofeedback.
During the cycle of the Full Moon we are at our highest point of energy. The secretions of our body are at their maximum and our glands are most active. This can make us feel very emotional and reactive, or, if we channel that energy, it affords the opportunity to make great gains on the inner planes and accelerate emotional healing. Our bodies are 70% water and the Full Moon not only affects the tides of the ocean, but the tides in us (in fact ancient yogic writings state that the seven oceans also exist in our bodies!). Kriyas will be focused on releasing the subconscious mind and accelerating healing.
What is Kundalini Yoga?
Kundalini yoga is for everyone, known as the ‘householder’s yoga’, it is practical but also very powerful. It works quickly to give you grace, balance, strength and, most of all, the ability to remain calm, centered and clear through life’s challenges. As you increase your practice, you will grow & gain new perspectives & capacities, as well as habits that support a healthy lifestyle. Further, you don’t need any previous yoga experience to gain results from your very first class. It is a Spiritual, but non-religious, practice, therefore open to those of all faiths, or of no particular faith. “The Yoga of Awareness”, it is also incredibly scientific, designed by the yogis to increase vitality, to maximise healing powers, strengthen the immune, nervous & glandular systems and give greater stamina and flexibility.
What to expect in a Kundalini Yoga Class
The format of a class is always the same:
1. Tune in
2. Pranayama &/or Warm Up
3. Kriya
4. Relaxation
5. Meditation
6. Tune out
Please contact me if you would like to make a smaller donation to join these classes. It is very important to me that money is not a barrier to accessing these Practices.