The Spring Equinox marks a time of awakening, and rebirth. Can you feel the shift? Don’t worry if not, you will very soon!
The dark months are coming to an end and we’re moving into the warmth of the light. The sun will continue to grow until the Summer Solstice, when, once again, it begins its turn inward again.
The Equinoxes are a time of perfect balance on Earth, providing us a beautiful opportunity to bring balance into any areas of our life which have become out of sync. With the Spring Equinox your spirit is waking up with new ideas & new dreams for your life. It’s fresh, warm energy has the power to make you feel alive & inspired and it’s the ideal time to harness this energy and plant our intentions for growth in the months ahead.
Join me for a sunrise class to lift your mind, body & Spirit and bring balance within. We will meet with the Sunrise, via zoom, at 6.11am and enjoy 90 mins of breath work, movement, meditation and deep relaxation. You will also receive my journalling prompts which you might like to work with during the ‘growing’ months leading up to Summer Solstice.
What is Kundalini Yoga?
Kundalini yoga is for everyone, known as the ‘householder’s yoga’, it is practical but also very powerful. It works quickly to give you grace, balance, strength and, most of all, the ability to remain calm, centered and clear through life’s challenges. As you increase your practice, you will grow & gain new perspectives & capacities, as well as habits that support a healthy lifestyle. Further, you don’t need any previous yoga experience to gain results from your very first class. It is a Spiritual, but non-religious, practice, therefore open to those of all faiths, or of no particular faith. “The Yoga of Awareness”, it is also incredibly scientific, designed by the yogis to increase vitality, to maximise healing powers, strengthen the immune, nervous & glandular systems and give greater stamina and flexibility.
What to expect in a Kundalini Yoga Class
The format of a class is always the same:
1. Tune in
2. Pranayama &/or Warm Up
3. Kriya
4. Relaxation
5. Meditation
6. Tune out
£11 (includes a printable PDF of journalling prompts)
To join without prompts £9 use code EQUINOX1 at checkout or if you need a concession amidst these challenging times please use code EQUINOX2 and join for £6.