Renewal & Compassion with Basil and Magnolia

Right now one of my daily practices is adding a few drops of basil to some carrier oil and gently massaging my kidney area. I then apply Magnolia touch from pulse point on wrist to elbow crease, rub and inhale. It is a beautiful practice which is holding me firmly right now.

Basil - The oil of Renewal

“ The symptoms of adrenal exhaustion help identify the main moods that are improved with Basil. Primarily fatigue, low energy, being overwhelmed and the inability to cope with life’s stressors. The smell of basil oil brings strength to the heart and relaxation to the mind. This oil is also excellent for states of nervousness, anxiousness and despair.

Basil oil supports those who are under a great deal of mental strain. It brings rejuvenation of vital forces after long periods of burnout and exhaustion. Basil oil may strengthen the adrenals and restore the body to its natural rhythms of sleep, activity and rest.

Basil oil is also helpful for recovery from negative habits. It gives hope and optimism to the tired soul. Basil may assist an individual in giving up false stimulants or helping with substance abuse. By increasing natural energy, it helps individuals to achieve greater balance and health. In short, basil is indicated for those who are weary in mind and body and for those in need of strength and renewal.

NEGATIVE EMOTIONS: Anxious, overwhelmed, drained, exhausted, negative habits

POSITIVE PROPERTIES: Energised, renewed, rejuvenated, rested, strengthened

COMPANION OILS: Wild orange, Peppermint, Serenity, Grapefruit, Cumin, ZenGest, Red Mandarin, PastTense

SUGGESTED USES: Inhale from bottle, diffuse or place drops in hand, rub and inhale”

Text by Emotions & Essential Oils

See how dōTERRA recommend usage of their Basil oil here

MAGNOLIA OIL - The Oil of Compassion

“Magnolia connects people with the energy of the divine matriarch. This feminine spiritual source expects individuals to treat one another with mercy and compassion. Magnolia creates a tender place within the heart to learn important lessons from this higher plane of consciousness about human interconnectedness and how to live in love and harmony. It also assists in illuminating the distance between individuals and dispels whatever may be clouding the ability to see other human beings with relatable needs, desires and pains. It encourages all individuals on a profoundly spiritual level to interact without causing pain or suffering and to refrain from seeing others as somehow less than oneself.

The inviting sweetness of Magnolia draws the senses in with gentle, pure, maternal nurturing that facilitates deep healing and soul-level change. Once the individual feels safe and loved, they will naturally see where they are withholding compassion from themselves and from those around them. Magnolia inspires individuals to engage with their fellow sojourners in this life with greater and greater empathy. It mirrors back to each individual the shared humanity reflected in another’s eyes and reminds that each soul is equally deserving of kindness and respect. Magnolia reveals the essential bonds shared between all people. When individuals view themselves as separate from others, they begin to lose the thread that weaves humanity together and to disregard the outcomes of the people they have detached themselves from. Magnolia facilitates a divine healing energy, bringing the world a remedy for these soul sicknesses.

Magnolia inspires the willingness to see the divine beauty within each soul. It teaches that each individual shares a responsibility to discover the gaps in their connection to others, to clear the encumbered perceptions obscuring the truth and to turn to the divine to heal those cold, confused or barren places within their understanding. Magnolia offers a true haven of refuge and reflection and inspires deep, transformative thought. Magnolia is a tonic for those who feel separated from the divine feminine and desperately need the lost teachings of a loving parent who can guide them on the path to greater happiness, progress and unity.

NEGATIVE EMOTIONS: Disconnected, numb, lonely, isolated, withdrawn, justifying, unsympathetic, unkind.

POSITIVE EMOTIONS: Connected, compassionate, unified, thoughtful, insightful, perceptive, respectful, kind.

COMPANION OILS: Myrrh, Rose, Cedarwood, Marjoram, Manuka, Arborvitae


Aromatic: Inhale from bottle or place a few drops in hand, rub and inhale.

Topical: Apply to centre of chest (heart centre) or crown of head”

Text by Emotions & Essential Oils

See how dōTERRA recommend usage of their Magnolia Oil here