Essential Self-Care for Leaders by Elena Brower


Morning meditation & Prayers. Quiet Time.

Waking up earlier to meditate, pull oracle cards. Just a little breathing exercise. A daily meditation practice, even if it’s just five minutes. Yoga Nidra. Metta practice, gratitude, pranayama, plus favourite essential oil inhalation.

Pausing every day to just be you, plan your future desires and see the magic happen. Manifestation Meditation(meditate with a specific visual of reaching a goal - see yourself “already doing it”).

Sit & sip tea or cacao for 10 minutes every morning in silence, look in the mirror daily and smile while saying “I love you” to yourself.

Sound healing meditations in the morning with a crystal bowl. Listening to Mantras. Allowing yourself to rest in outwardly-seeming “unproductive” activities of body and mind. Taking extra time for meditation and kundalini practice on a sheepskin rug.


Evening tea time - Earl Grey, Ginger, Tumeric. Peppermint tea while reading modern essentials book. Cooking healthy, nutrient-rich food. Homemade sweet potato + lentil soup for the week ahead. Letting people take care of you. Taking
time to really savor and enjoy food. Replacing one processed food item with 1 “clean” food item. Rubbing Balance oil on the heart, back of neck, feet .

Trusting your own instincts.

Saying “No” to something that is “life draining” and “YES” to something “Life Giving”. Phone curfews in the morning and evening. Gratitude prayers throughout the day. Maintaining sobriety and making a blend of the oils recommended in Taryn and Elena’s video “essential oils for recovery.”

Daily mindful walks to connect with Mother Nature with the intention of noticing subtle beauty.

Sunday afternoon naps.

Listening to favourite podcasts. Reading a good book while sipping a lovely warm cup of tea ☕️ Gentle soothing music. Making a delish breakfast and eating in silence.


Glorious baths. Epsom salts incorporated with your choice of essential oils such as lavender, marjoram, and lemongrass, Bergamot, AromaTouch, geranium...perhaps nightly non-negotionable. Sunday morning long baths with a favourite podcast and coconut mango tea. Or Sunday long self care shower; deep conditioning hair treatment and exfoliation of everything + empowering tunes.

Dry skin brushing. Then applying slim and sassy to massage knees and lower back. After bath, oil body with fractionated cocunt oil blended with frankincence, helicrisium and Lavender.

Moving - sweating everyday. Long early
morning run. Zumba. Yin practice this morning incorporating Oils (Basil on adrenals + Clary Sage in diffuser). Yoga.

Oil pulling using cinnamon and clove. Tongue scraping. A glass of water with Himalayan Salt first thing every morning.

Monthly Massage. Steam room. Trip to the acupuncturist. Sheduling and keeping monthly/ annual health appointments.

Self-massage with coconut oil and AromaTouch or Deep Blue before bed.


Some form of creative expression. Drawing, painting, writing, coloring, a DIY project or creating an oil blend.

Journalling - write your heart out and don’t be afraid to be vulnerable. Release what needs to be released. Declare your desires. Write a love letter to yourself.

Playing music. Dancing and moving emotions (emotions = ENERGY in motion) on the daily for fun.

Use your authentic voice throughout the day.


Savour time with your people. Make dinner with your family. Full days off to go climbing, be with friends, and enjoy the mountains. Sunday mornings with your sweetheart. Making lemonade or a fun craft project with the kids. Sharing delicious recipes with friends. New moon/full moon ceremony and rituals with other women.

Regularly go on dates with your girlfriend(s) in person. Go to a cafe, watch a movie or show together, take a class together, etc. If you’re all busy, try to meet once a month. Connecting with sisters is amazing medicine for our hearts.