Consultations & Classes now Online at The Sacred Space

Ayurveda is a complete way of life.  It literally means The Science (Ayu) of Life (Veda).  It is one of the oldest recorded health care systems still used throughout the world today.  

Ayurveda is a complete health system for mind, body & soul.  Rather than treating symptoms as we do so frequently in our Western health care system, it treats the whole patient and, ultimately, the root cause of the dis-ease. Ayurveda views dis-ease as caused by an imbalance in a person's physical or mental constitution and seeks to gently bring a person's body and mind back to a state of healthy balance. 

Ayurveda operates on the assumption that everyone is composed of unique combinations of the five basic elements: Space, Air, Fire, Water & Earth.  These elements combine and give rise to three main ‘Doshas’ ( bio-physical forces) and these doshas, in turn, govern all the biological, physiological and psychological functions of the body & mind.  The three main doshas are Vata (space & air), Pitta (fire & water) and kapha (water & earth).  Establishing and maintaining the balance of your individual dosha is key to a successful Ayurvedic practice.  We use a combination of diet, herbal remedies, detoxification, Yoga, Ayurvedic massage & lifestyle routine to achieve this balance. 

With a few small changes to a person's daily life, it is possible to achieve a sense of balance & harmony in the body and mind.  Ayurveda is not intended to replace modern medicine, but to help us live a more preventative lifestyle.  It provides beautiful tools to help treat the body according to its needs, leading to emotional and mental well being and good health.

In these unprecedented times of isolation, I am taking all my consultations on-line so I can still be of service to help you with your health & wellbeing - Mind, body & soul.

Ayurvedic Consultation - £65

An in depth consultation to discover your basic constitution (Prakruti) and today’s constitution (Vikriti).  I will use a combination of questions & tongue diagnosis to find your current state of health.  You will be given a tailor made plan including diet & lifestyle recommendations, herbal remedies, and a therapy plan.  We can focus on any health concerns you have, for example weight loss or anti-ageing.

By having a consultation, I am able to help you gently bring your body and mind back into balance through food, therapies, lifestyle changes, herbs and yoga.  Small changes can make a big difference, but we are all different and each therapy plan is completely unique and designed around the client.

Book here

dōTERRA Wellness Consultation - Free

Ayurveda & Yoga absolutely form the foundations of my life, but since discovering dōTERRA essential oils I feel I have the complete tool kit to care not just for myself but also for my family and wider loved ones. If you are looking to up-level your wellbeing and find a sense of self-empowerment with these stunning aromatic allies, then this is a wonderful place to start your journey. These Wellness Consultations are designed to focus on your top 3 current health priorities - perhaps less anxiety, more peace & calm, better digestion or improved sleep. Whatever it is, nature will have a solution! The beauty of dōTERRA is that you will become your own expert once you invite these oils into your home. You will live with them, love them and take advantage of all the free education dōTERRA & it’s Wellness Advocates give away. And with the most stunning Loyalty Reward System you will soon have a beautiful collection of oils to help with your day to day needs.

Book here

Online Kundalini Yoga classes - £6

Kundalini Yoga works quickly to give you grace, balance, strength and, most of all, the ability to remain calm, centred and clear through life’s challenges. You don’t need any previous yoga or meditation experience to gain results from your very first class.

Yoga class format:

  • Tune in

  • Pranayama &/or Warm Up

  • Kriya (often includes a meditation)

  • Relaxation

  • Tune out

Book here

Online Pranayama & Meditation classes - £3

Meditation in Kundalini Yoga contains specific, practical tools that carefully and precisely support the mind and guide the body through the use of breath, mantra, mudra, and focus. The range and variety of meditation techniques in the Kundalini Yoga tradition is truly extraordinary. There are meditations that reduce stress, work on addictions, increase vitality, and clear chakras, to name a few. While there exist many, many styles and approaches to meditation, what sets this approach to meditation apart is its precision, effectiveness, and practicality.

Meditation Class Format:

  • Tune in

  • 11 minute Pranayama

  • 11 minute Meditation

  • Tune Out

Book here

If you wish to block book or enquire about a 1:1 Yoga or Meditation class. Just send me an email here

My classes are also available as part of a full and beautiful schedule of classes, events, workshops and gatherings through my Threshold work. Please click here to register and you will be kept up to speed on the full weekly list of offerings from all the Threshold Community Teachers.

Mairead Moodie