Kapha Dosha

Prakruti is our basic body constitution. It’s a bit like our DNA. At the time of conception, each person’s combination & proportion of Vata, Pitta & Kapha is determined according to genetics, diet, lifestyle and the current emotions of the parents. Essentially the dormant Doshas in the parents combine to form the constitution of the child. The unique and specific combination of the three Doshas at the time of conception is called ones Prakruti. Our Prakruti, like our DNA, does not change during our lifetime. However, as life goes on and conditions change - due to weather, diet, fatigue, lifestyle, emotions, stress etc - the balance of the Doshas in our body and mind also change. This altered state of the Doshas is called our Vikriti or current state of health. When people come for a consultation with an Ayurvedic practitioner, this is what we are most concerned with as it is only through designing a plan to bring the body back into balance that we can get back to our Prakruti and enjoy that state of health.

Kapha dominates during late Winter & Spring.

Many of you who have a Kapha dominant Prakruti will resonate with this blog.

Kapha dosha is composed of the elements Water & Earth and, as such, many of the characteristics are related to coldness & heaviness . Have a read through and see if any of these feel like you:

Characteristics of Kapha Constitution

·       Well developed body with thick, broad shoulders and long limbs;

·       Tendency towards being over weight;

·       Soft, oily, pale, cool skin;

·       Hair is generally lustrous, thick, wavy or curly and often dark with very little greying;

·       Face is rounded and large with a large, round nose;

·       Large, loving eyes. Often dark in colour;

·       Mouth, lips and teeth are usually large. Teeth and white and lips pale pink;

·       Regular appetite, slow digestion;

·       Prefer spicy, bitter and astringent foods when in balance but may crave sweet when out of balance. Prefer warm drinks to cold;

·       Moderate perspiration, cold, moist skin;

·       Cannot tolerate cold & damp weather;

·       Sleep deeply & mostly uninterrupted for long periods;

·       Caring, centred, faithful, patient, loyal, loving & supportive;

·       Slow to memorise but good long term memory;

·       Often wealthy and high earners;

·       Typical health problems include dull headaches, sinusitis, tonsillitis, respiratory infections, congestion, bronchitis, obesity, diabetes.   

To pacify Kapha, especially during late Winter & Spring, which is Kapha season, read my blog on Ayurveda for Winter. Remember that certain Vata pacifying measures also need to be followed during late Winter as there is some dryness, wind and cold at this time.